Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chapter 1


I quietly walk through my room, trying not to wake Bella as she is sleeping in my bed, again. Ever since her abduction she has been with me. It has been an adjustment having her sleep next to me, but a delightful adjustment. In the past I have relied on the prostitutes to fill any need that arises, which was rare at that. I shake my head at the thought of the less than par blood I was taking in for so long. Since Bella has been in my life, I have felt restored, reborn in some ways. I still have moments of the past that break into the subconscious, but it is nothing like it was before.

I close the door quietly as I head down the main stairs to the compound’s kitchen. I walk in to find two doggen chopping vegetables. They turn and bow then scurry away down the doggen corridor. I will never be seen as anything other than the 'scary' one, and that’s fine by me. I grab a water out of the fridge along with a couple of apples and walk down to the training center. The only people up at this time of day are the doggen. It’s a weekend and no one is training, so I know I will have the whole place to myself. And some much needed alone time.

I walk into the training center and lie on the wooden bench that is on the opposite wall and start eating my apple. I think about how perfect Bella is, how she is the perfect female. But I can't be what she needs. Bella is a Glymera, I have a troubled past. I thought our relationship could overcome these differences, but it can’t. She needs a male that can give her his whole being, and my past has ruined me from having any sort of normal relationship. Bella and I started a sexual relationship shortly after she was rescued but now everything is different. The new and exciting aspect of our relationship isn't there anymore. I am distancing myself from her slightly and I hate to do that to her. I see the feeling she has for me in her eyes. I see the disappointment on her face when my bonding scent is not smelled during sex, as the other shellans have no doubt described to her. I can have sex with her, but I can’t finish. I get hard, sure… but the final release isn’t there. I don't know what to do about this problem. I know I can orgasm on my own; I have multiple times, in private. I don't want her to think that it’s her fault. I want her to think that the problem is the circumstances.

Finishing the first apple, I throw the core into the trash can behind me. I know this room by heart since I am in here multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day. Taking a drink of water, I start eating the second apple. I know I have changed since Bella came into my life. Bella has been gracious enough to let me feed from her. She takes blood from me, which was a hardship in the beginning but it is better now. Since my time with The Mistress I have thought of myself as corroded, but Bella has worked with me in changing those fears. I give her anything she needs, whether it be food, blood, or even pleasure. I have tried and thankfully she doesn't push me. She thinks it’s because it is a stressful time for the warriors and that I am on rotation almost every night. What she doesn't know is that most of the rotations are purely volunteered.

Being the Mistress’ prisoner caused me to change. I will never be like my twin, Phury, nor do I want to. Bella knows about the Mistress and how no one can push me on issues. If I say no, it means no - that was something I didn’t have with the Mistress. She controlled me completely and it broke me down inside. Maybe the Mistress has something to do with my problem I have with Bella.

I stand and throw the core of my second apple away. Feeling better having something in my stomach, I walk to the mat to start stretching. Knowing I need a good run to loosen this tension in my shoulders. Jumping on the treadmill as I turn on my MP3, I start running it out. I need some physical release and soon. I am way too stressed to be handling all the hunting that I have planned for this week. Also, Bella has to feed. Feedings have always helped. I am able to lose myself in them. It is purely animalistic between us and I am always able find release. And after, Bella is so proud of herself, proud that she satisfied me. But I am always instantly hard afterward and I know I wouldn’t be able to come for her again. Those are the worst times, trying to hide my erection. I shake the thoughts out of my head. I consider going to her right now to get it over with.

Jumping off the treadmill, I need to beat the shit out of something. I go to the sparing room, and I see her. Payne. She is the sister of Vishous, and she recently came over here from the other side. I am not sure what to make of her. She comes from a warrior blood line, but she is more feminine then I would of thought. You hear someone with the name Payne, sister of Vishous and you imagine someone the likes of Xhex. Not this curvy, beautiful, wide eyed thing. I watch her as she hits the punching bag and it almost makes me smile, almost.

I stand and watch her for a few moments. She has no formal training; that much is obvious. But I do see her determination and courage. That is rare, and not something I am used to seeing in a female.


In the two months since coming to the Brotherhood compound, I have spent my days working out in the training center. Wrath won’t let me out on rotation with the Brothers, even though he knows I am more than capable. Double standards suck.

So, here I am, yet another day in the training center. I have worked on my stance, posture, moves and of course, have done weights and cardio. I was ready for some hand to hand combat. Even if it was just for fun, nothing really helped make me better than actual practice with an actual partner. My spars with Wrath were getting fewer and farther between as his responsibilities as King kept him busy.

Then, as if out of nowhere, he appeared. He had a good half-foot on me and about 100 more pounds of muscle. His hair was every shade of blond, brown, red and black and he kept it very, very short. He strutted into the training center, nodding briefly to me as he went to the speed bag. I knew right away who he was based on the tattoos around his neck and wrists. The scar running from his forehead to his mouth was also a giveaway. This was Brother Zsadist, son of Ahgony. I remember reading his history of being a blood slave, being saved by his twin brother, Phury, and of rescuing a woman named Bella from The Lessening Society. Ah, yes, he had a “girlfriend.”

I took to the punching bag, but wasn’t getting much use of it as every time I hit it, it moved. I looked over to Zsadist and he was watching me.

“Zsadist, right?” I asked. “Think you could come help me for a few?”

A man of few words, he nodded and walked over, holding the bag for me.

“Thanks. I’m Payne, Vishous’ sister.”

“Yeah, I know,” was all he responded.

Okay, whatever.

As I hit and kicked the bag, he suddenly said, “plant your back foot and keep your hands up while you kick.”

I did as he suggested and could feel the difference in the strength of my kick to the bag. “Wow, what a difference.”

And again, he just nodded.

We did this with some punches too and his suggestions were most helpful.

“Listen, Zsadist, would you mind maybe sparring with me? There is only so much I can accomplish without a partner.”

When he agrees, I get excited. And he tells me to call him Z.

I stalk around him and get into a fighting stance, nailing a kick to his right flank.

“Yeah, thanks for the tip with the punching bag. It definitely helps.”

He crouches down to keep his weight balanced, steps forward, and with a smirk, elbows me in the side of the face. “Princess, you fight dirty, I will do the same.”

I laugh at him calling me Princess, I squat in front of him, push my shoulder into his solar plexus. I mutter under my breath as I look up at him, “Fuckhead.”

He then throws a roundhouse kick to my kidneys, while jabbing me in the stomach.

As I try to throw a kick to the back of his knee, he grabs my foot and holds it up in the air. I keep my balance and jab him in the stomach. He grunts at the hit and lets go of my leg and steps back.

“Ok, Princess, you win this one. I have some things to do. Can we continue this tomorrow?”

“Sure, I would like that, Fuckhead. Thanks for your help. See you tomorrow.”

And suddenly tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.

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